
Showing posts from August, 2017

Monday, August 28th

Good Afternoon! Here is a look at what we are doing today! Objective: Identify and define close reading strategies used for fiction. Here is our weekly PowerPoint . We are working on the strategy Notice & Note which helps create GOOD readers that STOP and NOTICE important information in the text. We will be applying these strategies on Thursday and Friday through guided reading. Tomorrow & Wednesday: MAPS testing for Language Usage Thursday: Guided Reading and Grammar Friday: Guided Reading and Grammaer Hope you are having a fabulous week! Reminders: Club Fair @ 2:30 on Wednesday! HOMEWORK: Students have grammar capitalization practice in Google Classroom DUE FRIDAY 9/1 by 3:45 Thanks! ~Mrs. Hines

Thursday, August 24th

Good Morning Grizzlies! Today we will begin our MAPS Reading Assessment on the computer. Students will take the Reading test over the next two days. We then will take a break on Monday from testing, and begin the Language Usage MAPS test on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Although this is a lot of testing for students, I am very excited about the great data that I will get on student proficiency levels. I will use the results to guide instruction, and then we can measure growth at middle and end of year! Good Things: Today is PICTURE DAY and the kids look fabulous! Updates: Homework! We will begin homework in two weeks, after all beginning of year MAPS testing is finished. Most homework will be grammar practice. Thanks and have a great rest of your week! ~Mrs. Hines

Tuesday, August 22nd

Good Morning Grizzlies! It has been a great week so far! Yesterday, the students and staff had a blast watching the eclipse and learning about science. In class, we did a pre-writing assessment on the eclipse viewing to see where student writing levels are. Students showed their ability to describe, compare, and explain, all of which are in our current unit of study! Today, we get to visit the library. We are also checking out one of my FAVORITE resources for reading, which is News ELA. The website is wonderful because it gives kid-friendly news stories and lets students read texts at their own levels. Tomorrow, we are going to dive in to close reading strategies. We use a strategy called "Notice & Note" which tons of research shows helps improve comprehension. Here is our Powerpoint for the week, which will be updated before each day. Reminders: -Signed syllabus due FRIDAY -Composition books were due YESTERDAY -Picture Day is August 24th (Thu

Friday, August 18th

Happy Friday! Here is what our awesome students are doing today! PowerPoint 1) Silent Reading 2) Talking with partners about their book 3) Define and describe character traits 4) Readers Theater! We are reading the play "King Midas" and each student has a role! 5) Discuss King Midas' negative traits 6) Watch the Week-In-Rap REMINDERS: -Syllabus signed sheet is DUE Friday, August 28th -Composition notebook DUE Monday, August 21st -Eclipse is Monday! -Students need to bring Chromebooks EACH day! Parent/Student Discussion Extension: Why doesn't money buy you happiness? Have a GREAT weekend Grizzlies! ~Mrs. Hines

First Day!

Hi Grizzly Family! Today was absolutely WONDERFUL! I was so excited to finally meet all my wonderful students! Today, we made name tents, shared about our summer, where we're from, our favorite activity, and what we like to read! Since it was such a short class, this took most of the twenty-minute time. I learned to much about everyone! Looking forward to a full day tomorrow, where we will jump into the syllabus! Thanks! Mrs. Hines

Welcome to a new year!

Good Morning! Welcome to 6th grade English with Mrs. Hines! I am so excited to have you in my classroom! This blog will serve as a way for me to tell you what we are doing for the week, and what is coming up in our curriculum and assessments. I am so excited to meet everyone and to have an awesome year! Here is my syllabus . Please feel free to reach out to me at: or by phone at 720-972-2253. See you soon! ~Mrs. Hines